Monday, April 29, 2013 wins another award

At Pearson Carpet Care we have won another award.  Well at least honorable mention.  About a year ago we found a frito bag inside a wall on a water damage job.  This frito bag is from the early 1950's which makes it unique.  This was long before they merged with the Lay's corporation.  So we entered this into a contest for R & R magazine.  (Restoration and Remediation)  To our surprise we won honorable mention in the contest.  The winner came a company in Augusta, ME that found a sword on a water restoration job.  Here's the article to read more.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Containment: It can help you be a better restorer.

Improving how well you do your job can sometimes be difficult. However, in this case it is pretty simple.  Look for areas on water restoration jobs where you can cut out and some air space and dry a smaller area, then set up some containment to accomplish this.  Eliminating several rooms of air in unaffected areas can really help dry structures faster and more thoroughly with less damage.  Admittedly in today's newer houses with open floor plans this can be a challenge most of the time.  Sometimes you could spend more time and money setting up containment then it is worth.  So be smart about it and use it as often as possible.  This one simple little tool will make you a better restorer.